It can be a challenge sometimes to know how to begin the process of discerning your vocation. Click on the Language link below to download a personal vocation questionnaire to help you start the process of discernment. The questionnaire is purely an aid. We recommend taking it to a mentor or spiritual director for further discussion.
Aids to Discerning your Personal Vocation
November 12, 2024
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Lay Saints whose lives speak to young Adults
There are several lay saints and blesseds’ whose lives speak to the experiences, struggles, and aspirations of young adults today. These saints and blesseds embody different aspects of the lay
The Lay person as Prophet, Priest and King
The concept of the lay Catholic sharing in the roles of “prophet, priest, and king” is deeply rooted in Catholic theology, especially following the teachings of the Second Vatican Council.
Lay Discipleship in the Catholic Tradition
The essentials of discipleship in the Catholic tradition centre on following Jesus and embodying His teachings through daily actions and personal transformation. Here are some core elements of Catholic discipleship: