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Click on the blocks to access information to help feed or inspire you in your vocation, or to deepen your knowledge of the Church's teaching.

A Catholic Understanding of conversion and discipleship

For a Catholic, giving one's life to Jesus…

Aids to Discerning your Personal Vocation

It can be a challenge sometimes to know…

What the Popes have said about Personal Vocation

1. Pope St. John Paul II John Paul…

Delve Deeper into your Call

Vocational Books and Resources

This is not an exhaustive list of books and resources. I will add to it…

The role of the Laity in effecting the Secular world

St John Paul II in his landmark exhortation on the role of the lay Faithful…

Lay Discipleship in the Catholic Tradition

The essentials of discipleship in the Catholic tradition centre on following Jesus and embodying His…

Lay Saints whose lives speak to young Adults

There are several lay saints and blesseds' whose lives speak to the experiences, struggles, and…

The Laity – called to be co-responsible

Here's a summary of key papal insights on the topic: 1. Pope Paul VI -…

Suggested Lay Discipleship Courses

Here’s a list of Catholic discipleship courses that individuals can take to deepen their faith,…

Aids to Discerning your Personal Vocation

It can be a challenge sometimes to know how to begin the process of discerning…

Videos about the Role of the Laity

In the next few weeks we will be adding a series of videos on the…

A Catholic Understanding of conversion and discipleship

For a Catholic, giving one's life to Jesus means making a conscious, personal decision to…

Does the absence of a call to priesthood or religious life mean I don’t have a vocation?

The call to priesthood or religious life is just one expression of vocation. Every baptised…

Vocational Discernment: Discovering Your Call to Fulfilment and Purpose

Your life is a gift, and God has created you with a purpose. Vocational discernment…

Book Review- Discernment Do’s and Don’ts

Discernment Do's and Don'ts - A practical guide to Vocational Discernment by Fr George Elliot…

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