On this page you will discover a variety of videos which can be found on YouTube which promote the vocation of the Laity. These are offered as aids and resources. More will be added as they come available.

What Are the Laity Supposed to Be?
Are the Laity important?
Fr Jake Anderson
Episode 4 - Sharing the Faith: The Calling of the Laity
Dr. Tom Neal
[17A] The meaning of vocation
Fr Simon Wang talks about Vocation. How does God speaks to us about our vocation
Vocation and Discernment with Sr. Laurence Loubières, XMCJ
Vocation and Discernment with Sr. Laurence Loubieres
Discernment Do's and Don'ts: book to help young people find their vocation
Fr George Elliot shares about his book Discernment do’s and don’ts – A practical guide to vocational discernment

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How to give a testimony about your Catholic faith

At different times and in a variety of circumstances I have given my testimony. I have spoken on university campuses, at work, on the street, in churches, and in family

Role , Rights and Responsibilities of the Laity in the Code of Canon Law 

The Code of Canon Law addresses the role, rights, and responsibilities of the laity in various canons, particularly in Book II (The People of God), Part I (The Christian Faithful),

Lay Discipleship in the Catholic Tradition

The essentials of discipleship in the Catholic tradition centre on following Jesus and embodying His teachings through daily actions and personal transformation. Here are some core elements of Catholic discipleship: