For a Catholic, giving one’s life to Jesus means making a conscious, personal decision to center their entire life on Christ. It involves embracing a relationship with Him, seeking to follow His teachings, and living in a way that reflects His love and truth. This decision is both a one-time commitment and an ongoing journey.

Here’s what it typically entails:

1. A Personal Relationship with Jesus

While Catholics experience faith within the community of the Church, giving your life to Jesus begins with a personal encounter with Him. This means seeing Jesus not as a distant figure but as someone who knows, loves, and walks with you. Prayer, Scripture, and the sacraments help foster this relationship.

“Being a Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction.”
(Deus Caritas Est, 1, ) 2005 Pope Benedict XVI

“Conversion means accepting, by a personal decision, the saving sovereignty of Christ and becoming His disciple.”
(Redemptoris Missio, 46) 1990 Pope St John Paul II

2. Conversion of Heart

Giving your life to Jesus involves ongoing conversion—a daily choice to turn away from sin and toward God. It’s about asking for forgiveness, receiving God’s mercy (especially in the Sacrament of Reconciliation), and striving to grow in holiness.

“We are all called to deepen our faith by constantly turning our hearts to the Lord. Conversion is a grace from God, but it is also a response we must give.”
(Homily, March 13, 2015) Pope Francis

“The Church must proclaim the need for conversion: to return to God, to renew our lives, to transform our ways according to the demands of holiness.”
(Evangelii Nuntiandi, 10) 1975 Pope Paul VI

3. Trusting Jesus with Everything

It means placing your trust in Jesus as your Savior and Lord. This includes trusting Him with your decisions, relationships, dreams, and struggles. It’s a surrender, saying, “Jesus, I give you control of my life. Lead me where you want me to go.”

4. Living as a Disciple

Being a disciple means not just believing in Jesus but following Him. Catholics are called to:

  • Listen to His Word: Read and reflect on the Bible to know Him more deeply.
  • Receive the Sacraments: Especially the Eucharist, which nourishes us with His presence, and Reconciliation, which restores us when we fall.
  • Love and Serve Others: Jesus asks us to love our neighbour and care for those in need, putting faith into action.

5. Joining His Mission

When you give your life to Jesus, you become part of His mission to bring God’s love to the world. This could mean evangelising, working for justice, or simply being a witness to His love in your everyday interactions.

6. Remaining Faithful in Community

For Catholics, faith is not a solo journey. The Church is the Body of Christ, and being part of a parish or faith group helps deepen your relationship with Jesus. The community supports, challenges, and inspires you to live fully for Him.

A Lifelong Journey

Giving your life to Jesus is not just a momentary feeling or a single event. It’s a lifelong process of growing closer to Him, trusting Him more deeply, and becoming more like Him. Every season of life offers new opportunities to say, “Jesus, I’m yours.”

Would you like to explore practical ways to live this out, especially as a young adult?

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The Laity – called to be co-responsible

Here’s a summary of key papal insights on the topic: 1. Pope Paul VI – Evangelii Nuntiandi (1975) 2. Pope John Paul II – Christifideles Laici (1988) 3. Pope Benedict

The Lay person as Prophet, Priest and King

The concept of the lay Catholic sharing in the roles of “prophet, priest, and king” is deeply rooted in Catholic theology, especially following the teachings of the Second Vatican Council.

About Called to Mission

Called2Mission is a Catholic website dedicated to exploring the theme of personal vocation, with a special focus on engaging young Catholic adults. The site offers resources, reflections, and practical guidance