The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) outlines the role and vocation of the laity primarily in sections 897-913, emphasizing the distinct yet collaborative nature of the lay faithful’s mission within the Church. Here are some key points:

  1. Dignity and Vocation of the Laity (CCC 897-900): The laity are defined as all members of the Church who are not part of the ordained clergy or consecrated life. Their vocation stems from baptism, which incorporates them into the People of God and calls them to participate actively in Christ’s mission. The laity’s role is primarily in “seeking the Kingdom of God by engaging in temporal affairs and ordering them according to the plan of God” (CCC 898).
  2. Secular Character (CCC 899): A key characteristic of the laity’s vocation is their “secular character,” meaning they are specially called to bring Christian values into everyday life—family, work, social and political institutions. By living out the Gospel in these areas, they are to transform the world in alignment with God’s will.
  3. Priestly, Prophetic, and Kingly Mission (CCC 901-913): The laity share in Christ’s threefold mission:
  • Priestly: They offer spiritual sacrifices, especially through the holiness of their lives, daily work, family, and other responsibilities, which they unite to Christ’s sacrifice.
  • Prophetic: Lay people bear witness to Christ through words and deeds, engaging in catechesis, evangelisation, and defending truth in social and public life.
  • Kingly: By overcoming sin in their lives, they exercise self-discipline and participate in the world with humility, leading by example and seeking justice, peace, and charity.
  1. Lay Apostolate (CCC 910-911): The apostolate of the laity includes actions that extend beyond the institutional confines of the Church. Lay faithful are encouraged to spread the Gospel and bring about positive change within their communities, especially where the clergy cannot reach.
  2. Co-responsibility in Mission (CCC 910-913): The Catechism encourages co-responsibility among the laity and clergy in the Church’s mission. Lay people are urged to participate in the Church’s life and mission by taking on various ministries, roles, and responsibilities, especially in areas that benefit from their unique skills and experiences.

In summary, the Catechism stresses that the laity have a unique and indispensable role in the Church’s mission. Their vocation calls them to sanctify the world through their lives, witness, and work, shaping the world according to God’s kingdom.

Watch Fr Mike talk about what the Catechism of the Catholic Church on the vocation of the Laity

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