Growing up in Ireland, I viewed my vocation through what seemed like binary options: priesthood or faithful layperson. For a long time, I assumed I’d consider the priesthood if I didn’t find a wife, but even then, I recognised that my heart wasn’t truly called to it. Eventually, I met and married a woman of faith—a tremendous blessing that confirmed my path as a layperson.

Faith has been central to every major decision in my life. Following God’s guidance through the teachings of His Church has brought countless blessings. It’s simple truths like these that have shaped my journey: sex is meant for marriage, so I got married; babies are a blessing, so we welcomed them; generosity with time, talent, and treasure opens the door to God’s incredible plans. Trusting in these principles has led me on the adventure of a lifetime.

Professionally, my faith has guided me through several careers. I started as an auditor, then moved into business, but for the last 13 years, I’ve had the privilege of working full-time in ministry. Not everyone gets the opportunity to follow the Lord in this way, and I consider it one of the greatest blessings of my life. Ministry has its challenges—just like business—but the key difference is that I’m sharing Jesus, not just selling a product.

One Scripture passage that has deeply impacted my understanding of my mission is 1 Thessalonians 2:4. Reflecting on Paul’s words about bringing the faith to the Gentiles has reminded me that success or failure isn’t the goal; faithfulness is. God calls me to have meaningful conversations with people who may not otherwise hear about Him. I might be the only person in their life who shares His message. My role is to speak about Him in ways that are prudent, constructive, and offer them a gift.

Not every conversation will lead to someone declaring their life for Jesus on the spot (though that would be wonderful). Instead, I aim to be part of a larger team—passing the baton to the next person God uses to draw them closer. It’s an incredible privilege to play even a small part in His mission of love and salvation.

Tony Foy is the National Director of Net Ministries Ireland – He and his wife Sheena host a podcast called Breaking Bread

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Called2Mission is a Catholic website dedicated to exploring the theme of personal vocation, with a special focus on engaging young Catholic adults. The site offers resources, reflections, and practical guidance