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Discerning your call
The Popes Speak
What the Popes have said about Personal Vocation
What does Pope Francis have to say on the role of the laity
You are Lay Apostles
A summary of the key takeaways of the Second Vatican Council on the Laity
Role , Rights and Responsibilities of the Laity in the Code of Canon Law
What does the Catechism say about the Laity?
Let’s get practical
What does it mean to be a Lay Disciple
How to give a testimony about your Catholic faith
How to be a witness in the workplace
How can I influence the World for Good
A Catholic Understanding of conversion and discipleship
My role in building a just society
Discern your Call
Does the absence of a call to priesthood or religious life mean I don’t have a vocation?
I am confused about my vocation
Aids to Discerning your Personal Vocation
Take our online survey
Vocational Discernment: Discovering Your Call to Fulfilment and Purpose
Book Review- Discernment Do’s and Don’ts
Useful Books and Resources
Suggested Websites to find out more
Go Deeper
A list of the commonly recognised Charisms/Spiritual gifts
Lay Saints whose lives speak to young Adults
Videos about the Role of the Laity
Suggested Lay Discipleship Courses
Catholic Lay Mission organisations
Discover Catholic Lay Communities Around the World
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