St John Paul II in his landmark exhortation on the role of the lay Faithful – Christifideles Laici – set out 9 key areas for lay people to work for in the world.

Promoting the dignity of the person: The laity are called to affirm the inherent worth of each person, reflecting their creation in the image of God.

Fostering respect for the right to life: The defense of life, from conception to natural death, is central to the laity’s mission in upholding human dignity.

Defending freedom of conscience and religious freedom: Lay faithful are encouraged to advocate for these essential rights, allowing people to live and practice their faith freely.

Protecting and encouraging marriage and family life: The lay vocation includes supporting the stability and sanctity of marriage and family as fundamental units of society.

Engaging in works of charity: The laity are called to serve the needy and practice charity, reflecting Christ’s love for the vulnerable.

Participating in public life, the media, and politics: Lay people are urged to be active in these spheres, contributing to the common good and ensuring moral values are upheld in society.

Centering socioeconomic life on the individual: The Church calls the laity to promote systems that respect the person over profit, advocating for justice in economic structures.

Evangelizing culture: Lay Christians are tasked with permeating culture with Gospel values, reshaping society to reflect Christ’s teachings.

Re-evangelization: Recognizing that many cultures have become secularized, the laity are invited to renew efforts in re-evangelizing those who may have drifted from the faith.

*Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, 2004. Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church

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